Boys halftime, Warriors up 45-27 v Mt Blue
End QTR 1 Warriors up 19-10, boys basketball
Game time! Warriors hosting Mt Blue Cougars
Boys Final Nokomis 43, Brewer 46. Great game..Go Warriors!
Girls Final score Nokomis 40 Brewer 35. Go Warriors
Boys 35-32 Nokomis up end 3rd QTR
Girls 30-27 Nokomis up end 3rd QTR
Halftime: Girls 23-19, Brewer up, Boys 19-25 Brewer up
NOKO boys up 15-10 end QTR 1
Noko girls basketball on the road at Brewer, down 10-9 ent of QTR 1
Nokomis’ Ellen Payne, Presidential Award in Math and Kasie Giallombardo Penobscot Teacher of the Year and O’Toole winner being recognized at Educate Maine Symosium
Home opener for NOKO boys vs Brewer
Don't forget that tonight is "Fill the Gym" night for basketball, Varsity Girls @ 5:00 PM Varsity Boys @ 6:30
Don't miss out on the Nokomis Tree at Mid Maine Lacrosse's Tree Festival this Sunday Great Warrior Swag and Decorations!
Nokomis Lady Warriors in preseason hoops action
Winter Sports Apparel Order Forms
Winter Sports Apparel Order forms
Congratulations to all of the Nokomis Football players who earned all conference honors
Reminder - Artist in Residence Jazz Concert
Nov 16 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Nokomis Cafeteria
Reminder Harlem Superstars Game is Tonight