With the resources of the 21st Century, we now have the world at our fingertips. All students are able to transfer from a small town setting to a world-wide connection with a click of a computer mouse.

In order to prepare our students for this world-wide connection RSU #19 believes in bringing all students to high levels of performance and making our expectations as clear as possible for students, parents, and educators.

Meeting our local standards means your child has met national, state, and local levels of understanding.


The National Standards published in 1991 defines knowledge and skills students need to meet world-wide competition.


The Maine Learning Results defines the knowledge and skills all children should know and be able to do based on state standards.


Locally we have combined these two important documents ("The National Standards" and the "State LearningStandards")to help determine our local performance standards at K-4, 5-8, and 9-12.

Over the next few years our district will be setting local levels of student performance based on national, state and local standards.

We will be collecting, reviewing, assessing, and evaluating the performance of individual students in all grades locally.

Students will be assembling portfolios in all subject areas and teachers will be reviewing student work periodically to make sure they are meeting standards.


In-depth study of content. We believe in a sustained examination of a limited number of important topics at each grade level to be valued over superficial exposure and coverage over a larger number of topics. The "covering" of many topics in a short amountof time undermines the thoughtfulness and depth we need students to be able to apply to the content in order to demonstrate proficiency on our standards.

Higher order thinking. We believe the design and instructional delivery of curricular must require students to gather, use, and apply information on"real life" tasks in order to become active problem solvers.

Authentic assessment. We believe all students need to demonstrate continual improvement towards our district standards and showcase their understandings through on demand prompts, personal portfolios, and service projects that demonstrate use and application of our content standards.

And we believe, as educators ,we have the responsibility and the capacity to create, monitor, and improve student growth for all our students.

Policy KBFA - Elem./ML Parent Involvement in Title 1