NRMS home athletic contests will be livestreamed starting Friday, Oct. 2nd. The stream can be found on the RSU 19 Youtube page or at: We hope you enjoy watching our middle school athletes compete!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
NRMS sports update: Soccer starts tomorrow and runs from 2:30-4 for students in grades 6-8. Golf also starts tomorrow and will run from 2:30-4 at the Palmyra Golf Course for students in grades 5-8. Field hockey will start next Monday 9/21 and will run from 2:30-4 for girls in grades 6-8. Athletes will get their team schedules from the respective coaches. If you have any questions, please call the school at 355-3600!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
NRMS sports update: Field hockey, soccer, and golf will start next Thursday Sept. 17th. Football has been moved to the spring. If you have any questions call Mr. Crockett at 355-3600
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good morning, NRMS families! We had a terrific first day yesterday; we hope your child reported good things to you! Today is primarily focused on our fully remote learners. 5th and 6th graders cannot take laptops home yet because we don’t have cases for them so don’t worry about anything online. If the home has a working device students can join homeroom, but it’s not a requirement right now. 7th and 8th graders do have laptops and should plan to join their homerooms and then their teachers will have specific things they will be directing them to do. Please call the school or contact your child’s teacher if you have a questions! Have a great day!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
The high school Tri-County bus was late getting to the high school/middle school so those buses will be late arriving at the elementary schools. We just wanted you to be aware of the delay!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
The 5th grade teachers put together a "Welcome to 5th Grade" video for you! We are looking forward to seeing you on Sept. 8th!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Here's an important letter from NRMS! Looking forward to our first day of school next Tuesday, Sept. 8th!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good evening, NRMS families! The first day of school is one week away; Tuesday, Sept. 8th! If you haven't heard from your child's teacher regarding their homeroom placement and their grade level teams, please call the school at 355-3600. If your child is fully remote learning, devices should be picked up at the school by 3:00 on Friday, Sept. 4th. Information about transportation and lunches will be shared from the district soon. Contact us if you have any questions! Have a great night!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good Morning, NRMS families! Any family who has chosen straight remote learning for their child/children can come to the school to collect their child's device starting today, Wednesday, August 26, 2020. The office hours are 7:30-3:00 for the rest of this week and all of next week. On Tuesday, Sept. 1, the office will be open from 7:30- 6:00. If your child is planning to attend in-school/in-person learning they will receive their device sometime during the first week of school. Again, these device pick-up times are only for students who are fully participating in remote learning; all other students will get their devices when they return to the building. Please call the school at 355-3600 if you have any questions!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good Morning, NRMS families. As Mr. Hammer indicated in his letter last week, you will be hearing from NRMS staff very soon regarding which plan you will be choosing for your child to start the 20-21 school year. The choices are: full remote (no in-person learning); in-person/in-school (four days for grades 5 & 6; 2 days for grades 7 & 8); or homeschooling (which is a withdrawal from the district and an enrollment in Maine's Homeschooling program). We need numbers before we can fully plan class lists and schedules so it's very important that you share your choice with us. We want to thank you in advance for being understanding as we gather this information. We recognize that the plans may not be how we or you envisioned starting this school year, but we will be doing our very best to provide education to your children no matter the circumstances. Have a great day!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Hello NRMS 7th grade parents and students! We are asking that you please come to the main entrance of NRMS and pick up your child's laptop. Laptops will be available from 3pm to 6pm on the 10th and 11th of August. If you could, please read, print out, and sign the RSU 19 laptop policy from, under the live feed section on the main page. If you can't print it, please read it and be ready to sign it at the school. Thanks and see you next week!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Mrs. Badger will be in the office this Friday, June 26 from 8-10 a.m. if anyone would like to go pick up their child’s yearbooks. Call the school at 355-3600 if you have any questions!
about 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Hello 8th grade parents! Yearbooks were purchased for all 8th graders as a farewell gift so please go to the school to get one for your 8th grader! Mrs. Badger will be there this week and next week, M-Th. from 8-2. Call the school at 355-3600 if you have questions!
about 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good morning NRMS families! The yearbooks have arrived so if you ordered one it can be picked up at the school in the main office this week or next week, Mon-Thursday anytime between 8-2. There are a few extras available, but quantities are limited so call the school at 355-3600 if you’d like to buy one or if you have any questions! Have a great week!
about 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good Morning! This is the last official day for NRMS parents/caregivers to drop off laptops, chargers, hot spots, library books, school musical instruments, and any other items that belong to the school. They can also pick up any items their child/children may have left at school. The school will be open from 8-3 and 5-7 today. Please call the school at 355-3600 or reach out to your child's teacher if you have questions! Have a great day!
about 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good evening!  This is Angela Brown, principal of Nokomis Regional Middle School.  I am calling on the eve of the last day of school to  express gratitude to the parents, caregivers, and students for a wonderful year!  Although the 2019-2020 year took an unanticipated turn in March, we had six great months together in this beautiful new building and the school community we had set out to build was growing strong. I know the time we have been out hasn't been easy, but  your support, understanding, and encouragement have been greatly appreciated!  I am hopeful that we will see everyone back here in the fall and until then I want to wish you all a great summer!  Stay safe and be well.  Have a great night!
about 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Nokomis Regional Middle School Parents: In an effort to gather some information for sports programming for the 2020/2021 school year, we have created an online form for parents and students to use for signups. Students that will be in 6th, 7th and 8th grade in the fall can now sign up for the various sports that they would like to potentially participate in next year. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Athletic Director Gene Crockett via email: Signup Form​: Thank You.
about 4 years ago, RSU 19
Good Evening! This is a reminder for NRMS families. All work needs to be submitted to teachers by 3:00 on Monday, June 1. Quarter 4 progress reports will be completed and posted in IC this week. If you would like a copy, please contact your child's teacher. Also, the materials drop-off schedule starts this week from 8-3 and is as follows: 8th Grade-Tuesday June 2; 7th Grade-Wednesday, June 3; 6th Grade-Thursday, June 4th; and 5th grade-Friday, June 5th. Monday, June 8th is an additional day if needed. There will also be evening hours from 5-7 on Thursday, June 4th and Monday, June 8th. If you have made other arrangements with your child's teacher please disregard this schedule. Contact your child's teacher or the main office if you have questions! Have a good night!
about 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good Evening, NRMS families! This is a reminder that classes end this Friday, May 29th and the last day for work to be accepted is Monday, June 1. Our official last day of school was moved to June 5, per the school board. Each grade will have a day assigned to them from June 2-June 5 (additional day of June 8 if needed) for the dropping off of school materials and the picking up of student belongings. Teachers may have gotten that information out to families already, but if they haven't it'll be coming your way soon. It also looks like yearbooks won't be ready by June 5 so those will have to be picked up at a later date (TBD). Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. We know everyone is tired, but we hope we can all find a way to finish strong! Take care and be well!
about 4 years ago, Angela Brown
Good Evening,This is Angela Brown, Principal of Nokomis Regional Middle School. I am calling to update families on the end of phase 3 of remote learning, which is quickly approaching.  The official last day of school is June 11th, but the last day of direct instruction will be Friday, May 29th.  Students will have until Monday, June 1 to turn in any work they need to turn in and then Quarter 4 progress reports will be posted in Infinite Campus by Wednesday, June 3rd.  As always, we are asking all students to do their best and turn in all or as many of their assignments as possible.  We know each situation is unique and may be less than ideal, but we still want to encourage everyone to finish strong. Also, a schedule will be established during the first week of June for dropping off items that belong to the school such as laptops, chargers, any hot spots that were borrowed, instruments, library books, classroom books, and any other school items or materials.  We will also have anything that belongs to the students that may still be in their lockers or classrooms bagged and ready to be picked up.  The only grade level that can keep their laptops and chargers is grade 7.  All other grade level devices need to be returned to the school.  IF you are unable to get to the school to drop materials off or pick student materials up, a bus drop off CAN be arranged, but you will need to let your child's teacher know that information.  And if you have more than one child at the school, arrangements can be made for you to pick up and drop off all materials in one trip.  Again, let your child's teacher know if you need that to happen. More information about this process will be shared through your child's teacher, but if you have additional questions feel free to contact them. I hope you are doing well. Take care and have a good night!
about 4 years ago, Angela Brown